Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

So I premade my cake pops, some of them, and placed them in the freezer.  I had extra, so i decided to see how they would look decorated.  I guess this is why they make the pops round, but the coating didn't stick well.  It also didn't help that it was super hot today, so everything seemed to have melted faster than normal.  I started out with twelve and then had five casualties to the heat :-(  The flavor was still good, but it did not look good at all, plus they fell off the stick, so sad.  But that did not stop me, I wanted to keep going, so I did.  At least these were the practice ones, I'm bringing them out tomorrow for flavor testers. 

This is what is so fun about cooking and being inspired.  I see something that looks new or different and I become inspired to emulate that and make it my own.  I want to bring that to my customers and my family and friends.  There is so much good stuff out there, why limit yourself?  Why not keep challenging yourself?  That's what keeps me going with cooking.  I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else that does not have to do with food.

As you take this journey with me, I want you to get to know me and see the passion I have for doing this.  I in turn would like to provide to you a service you will never forget and give you food you will crave for.  This is still, only the beginning......

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Made naked cake pops!

I attempted making cake pops for the first time and it worked!  They are in the freezer, naked, waiting to be coated for the favors next week.  I was so excited to do this for my friend's bridal shower that now I might have to cut back on making some of the food.  Thinking I just may help pay to order some food and still make a few flavored iced teas.  I will post pictures as soon as I can, I have plenty!  Today's entry will be short, I've had a long day.  Can't wait to see the finished products!

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Beginning

Today is the day I decided to start doing my blog and put myself out there.  I have a passion for cooking, eating out, and traveling.  I really would like to get my business started, so as a friend suggested, here it is.  I am hoping that through the places I eat, the events I do, and the food I create will be an inspiration for you and you will hopefully hire me to do these for you.  There is no time like the present! 

My first new culinary adventure will be making cake pops.  I have been inspired by a friend who does them and I've seen them all over the internet.  So I decided to make them for my friend's bridal shower as the favors.  I'm so excited to make them.  I hate going into Michael's Arts and Crafts because it makes me want to spend so much more money than I need to!  I always get inspired when I go there, but it's always fun to do so.  I'm definitely no baker, but I love to decorate! Even though I'm not that artsy, it is always fun to try to do something new!  That's what is so fun for me to do events and cook, there is so much inspiration and variety out there, why stick to one way of doing something?

Tomorrow I will post some pictures of the process I am doing on making these cake pops.  I am hoping you enjoy my journey to fulfilling my dream and passion of doing this business.  Stay tuned for lots of delicious times ahead!